Arriving at one’s life purpose is a journey of reflection, often aided by a guide or coach.

The basic questions in this sort of inquiry include:

  1. What are my values?
  2. What is truly important?
  3. What do I want?

What do I really want?

What do I really, really want?

In answering these questions, you can identify a critical boundary: How much time am I willing to spend on work?

The flip-side of this question is: How much time am I willing to forgo with family, friends, hobbies and leisure so that I can work?

When you honestly answer these questions, you see the profound absurdity of becoming a servant of your calendar.

If the context of your work is anything less than “the privilege to pursue my life’s purpose,” I invite you to either:

  • Resign


  • Determine your true desires, such that you can authentically and happily commit to your big job by making it a full self-expression of your self

We generate context by first recognizing that only we can determine what is meaningful. We create meaning. Our circumstances are just content. Our context is the meaning we grant to those circumstances.

In the next post, I will describe the common elements of an Executive Work Portfolio and the energy management system to make it work.